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Screen rotation disable | read more.. Android
Source code from: unknown Created by tlw on 13.10.2024 @ 05:12

Sometimes we need no support the rotation of the screen. It must be either portrait or landscape. There is a solution for each activity

Convert links into clickable hyperlinks | read more.. PHP
Solution from: Created by tlw on 13.10.2024 @ 05:12

A function to change an email address or URL into a clickable HTML hyperlink using eregi_replace.

Calculating age by birthday | read more.. PHP
Source code from: Created by tlw on 13.10.2024 @ 05:12

With this function you can calculate the age of a person

Creating an upload progress bar in PHP with APC | read more.. PHP
Article from: Created by tlw on 13.10.2024 @ 05:12

In this tutorial I will explain how to create a progress bar for PHP file uploads. There is no method built into PHP for returning the status of an upload in progress, so this requires a module called the Alternative PHP Cache (APC). This allows you to store data across sessions and includes built-in functionality for storing/returning file upload stats.

Automatic merging and versioning of CSS/JS files with PHP | read more.. PHP
Solution from: Created by tlw on 13.10.2024 @ 05:12

Most sites include a number of CSS and JavaScript files. Whilst developing it's usually easier to manage them as separate files but on a live site it makes sense to merge files to reduce the number of HTTP requests the browser has to make. For JavaScript this is particularly important as browsers block rendering whilst downloading.

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