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Remove/hide status/title bar from the top of the app | read more.. Android
Source code from: unknown Created by tlw on 07.12.2024 @ 05:17

Each application has 2 bars at the top: status bar and title bar. Sometimes it's useful to remove/hide them (especially in gaming apps).

Creating an upload progress bar in PHP with APC | read more.. PHP
Article from: Created by tlw on 07.12.2024 @ 05:17

In this tutorial I will explain how to create a progress bar for PHP file uploads. There is no method built into PHP for returning the status of an upload in progress, so this requires a module called the Alternative PHP Cache (APC). This allows you to store data across sessions and includes built-in functionality for storing/returning file upload stats.

CSS and round corners: Borders with curves | read more.. CSS
Article from: Created on 07.12.2024 @ 05:17

title="Cascading Stylesheets">CSS and round corners: Borders with curves

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