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Empty span width and height | read more.. CSS
Solution from: unknown Created by tlw on 10.02.2025 @ 11:10

If You need an empty inline span (-s) to have a width and height (for background image or something else) then there is a fix for that.

Remove/hide status/title bar from the top of the app | read more.. Android
Source code from: unknown Created by tlw on 10.02.2025 @ 11:10

Each application has 2 bars at the top: status bar and title bar. Sometimes it's useful to remove/hide them (especially in gaming apps).

Layout with top, content and bottom | read more.. Android
Solution from: unknown Created by tlw on 10.02.2025 @ 11:10

Sometimes we need to have a static top and bottom with the rest space taken by the main content.

Disabling highlight on ListView items on click | read more.. Android
Source code from: unknown Created by tlw on 10.02.2025 @ 11:10

ListView can be used for viewing only with no click. We can disable the orange (default) color on the item when clicked.

Save data/variable on screen rotation or other activity re-creation | read more.. Android
Source code from: unknown Created by tlw on 10.02.2025 @ 11:10

Sometimes we need to save some data when the activity is re-created.

Screen rotation disable | read more.. Android
Source code from: unknown Created by tlw on 10.02.2025 @ 11:10

Sometimes we need no support the rotation of the screen. It must be either portrait or landscape. There is a solution for each activity

Accessing resource by variable | read more.. Android
Solution from: Created by tlw on 10.02.2025 @ 11:10

Explaining how to access any resource by variable, not directly. Example with "drawables"

Restarting Activity | read more.. Android
Solution from: Created by tlw on 10.02.2025 @ 11:10

Sometimes we need to restart the Activity. Here is the solution.

Always visible scrollbar - no content jumping | read more.. CSS
Solution from: unknown Created by tlw on 10.02.2025 @ 11:10

html {overflow-y: scroll !important;}

Chrome re-sizable textarea | read more.. CSS
Solution from: Created by tlw on 10.02.2025 @ 11:10

CSS: resize: none;

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